Sales Area
A widespread network of people at our partners and clients service, real and unique asset of a company.
As showed in the interactive map below, the Corà Timber Industries group is present in many Countries. A continuous and advanced research and selection will bring to the total coverage of strategic markets in the next future.
Corà Timber Industries diversified its commercial organization basing on human resources, on their knowledge and introduction on the different markets and by the potential of the different world areas.

Sales Network
Corà Timber Industries sets people and relationships above all, therefore, it puts special attention to sales representatives, who embody the core values of the company.
- Men and Women, with the daily honor and responsibility of representing the corporation mission, vision and values. They carry the unique and prestigious flag that embodies all companies, integral parts of Corà Timber Industries galaxy.
- Women and Men with a clear and defined mission: strengthen the concept of partnership overcoming the outdated separation between supplier and client. They are, at the same time, both qualified consultants and bearers of the company creed.
- Men and Women with a dual task: anticipate, interpret and understand the client’ needs and share and support the production phases of the sawmills.
- Women and Men linked by the FOUR values, essential to be part of the Corà team: professionality, reliability, trust and experience.
A team that deserves to be pointed out and presented, with the only ambitious aim of WINNING hard challenges of the global competition.
Office in Hangzhou
China represents an important and strategic market for the companies of the Group, thus Corà Timber Industries has decided to operate directly with an office in Hangzhou, city mentioned by the famous explorer Marco Polo.
The office is managed by Mr. Xia Xiaoming, our Country Manager for the entire Chinese territory, who cooperates with the companies of the Group for 10 years. This crucial presence assures an efficient markets knowledge and a direct and continuous contact with our customers.
This constant presence on the area permits the supervision and the forecast of the market trends.
Furthermore, considering the geographical distance, for the timber importer who is the key client for the companies of the Group, to have an office on site represents a guarantee of reliability, seriousness and respect of the commercial agreements.
Sales Network
Arbawood Timber Trading Agency

Mr. Antonio Romito decided to represent the Corà Timber Industries thanks to the ultra-thirty years of knowledge and mutual personal and professional respect with the ownership of Corà Timber Industries and the great commercial awareness. What makes it highly competitive in foreign markets are the constancy of the high quality grading, the industrial flexibility always oriented to the satisfaction of the customers and the attention to the different needs of the international clientele.
For him, the three most important strengths of the company are… Collaboration in “team system” with all those involved in the business development, the industrial and the strong commercial dynamism transparency.
Interwood Trading Ltd

Mr. Dimitris Karatzas decided to represent Corà Timber Industries for his history, his reputation and for the professionalism of the company. The second motivation is the good consistent quality.
His company, Interwood Trading Ltd, is established since year 1985 dealing with all timber and timber products and during all these years it was able to build a reputable and well established clientele spread all across Middle East.
For him, the three most important strengths of the company are… The quality and the presentation of the goods and the excellent service.

Mr. Simone Bedin has been working on this field for more than 20 years, both on the Italian and European market, also through commercial experiences abroad, especially in UK. He also represents North American producers of Softwood and Hardwood. Thanks to the partnership with Corà, he guarantees an offer of a complete range of products and he can largely satisfy client expectations.
For him, the three most important strengths are: a brand and a quality much appreciated in the market, the modern productive and well organised structure, a managerial team which is always available and present.
Carl Ronnow

Mr. Amit Mundhra has been active in wood trading for more than 15 years, his strong competences within the timber business and great relation with the Indian timber buyers (nationwide) makes Corà, and Carl Ronnow Limited a strong team.

Mr. Sergio Milazzi works on the wood market from more than 40 years managing the family activity which future is now grant from the active presence of his daughters.
Sergio decided to represent Corà Timber Industries for its professionalism and because it is a new company for its market, present directly at the origin with modern and efficient production unities. What makes it highly competitive in foreign markets are the direct production on home markets, the great possibilities and elasticity, the service, the direct support from the home markets of European hardwood.
For him, the three most important strengths of the company are… The direct presence in the markets of origin, the modernity and efficiency of production facilities, professionalism and experience of the production and the awareness for customers to have a “Western” partner in markets where it is not always easy to operate to purchase.
El Amin Arfa

Mr. Amin Arfa after a long experience as business man decided to represent Corà Timber Industries for its high quality woods and its strong identification in Libia.